
Considering the project from a broader view, which involves creating an ontology describing the behavior of all cognitive biases outlined in the wheel, we have chosen to develop a generic section of the ontology. This section is designed to gather all the structures of single bias ontologies by formally representing the structure of the wheel shown in Overview .

As shown in the picture above, the biases can be grouped around two level of concepts: a broader one in which we have the four concepts that we can see in the conrner of the picture, and a narrower layer where the biases are grouped around more specific concepts. Therefore, we have developed a model to represent this layering of concepts that can be expressed through the following diagram:

This model conceptualizes both levels as concepts, using the class Concept of the ODP Classification; additionaly, the broader level is defined as Collection of concepts using the ODP Collection. Furthermore, we have created a property that links each bias to both the levels, through the property isCausedBy. Also the class BiasedAgent, that represents the agent who is affected by a specific bias, is connected to the class CognitiveBias through the property isAffectedBy; the class NonBiasedAgent, on the other hand, represents other individuals who interact with the BiasedAgent but are not affected by the bias itself. Finally, we have modeled each bias as a class (and not as an individual of the class cognitive bias) since each bias can be described through sub-categories.

Link to the OWL file of the General ontology:

Final viasualization of all our biases together:

Last updated